
Showing posts from October, 2020

Wrestling’s Greatest Prankster : Owen Hart P2

Part 2: A ccomplices   Welcome to another round of wrestling’s greatest prankster; Owen Hart. He had the patience to see all of his plans fall into place, but he could still hit you with a short lil' prank that left a mark. Sometimes, he even had an accomplice or two because everyone wanted to be on the right side of an Owen rib. Owen and Davey boy would pull so many ribs together, they were like Batman and Robin, or maybe a more accurate description is "partners in crime". Their own manager wasn’t even safe. They ribbed him many times together while in WWE. Jim Cornette once said in an interview with Wrestling Inc.:   “You know Owen and Davey together, Davey Boy Smith, they were like two children. They just had to top each other. We would be doing promos, we would be standing there in front of the camera and all of a sudden I’d look to the left of me and Owen all of a sudden was two inches taller than both me and Davey, and we were all sort of the same height. You would

AEW: The Honeymoon is over, and I still love you

                 The new car smell has faded from our brand new minivan and we still love it all the same. If you are a fan of AEW, you may feel that they can do no wrong, or at least that’s how it felt for most of their first year. No wrestling promotion is safe from criticism, though, and AEW now finds itself in the same boat as other major and mid-major promotions in this regard. Still, they find themselves to be the favorite promotion of many wrestling fans despite some of these issues, and for good reasons. Let's look at some of the issues highlighted by the IWC before we discuss the areas that they excel in.          The state of their women's division is probably the most common complaint I see on Twitter and Facebook Groups. While they have a great B show in AEW Dark, they only have one opportunity every week to showcase their talent to a national audience. AEW has a lot of great young talent in their women's division, but they don't have the time to showcase it

Wrestling’s Greatest Prankster: Owen Hart P1

Part 1: Fish and Pics Owen Hart. You say the name to wrestling fans and it conjures all sorts of emotions, most of which revolve around his death. But there was so much more to Owen than the tragedy that took his life. He was one of the most beloved wrestlers among fans and peers. But what else can you say about a man Chris Jericho calls his hero? Owen Hart was not just “The King of Harts”, he was the King of practical jokes. Owen would hide tuna or sardines underneath the ring and then cover his body in it to pull a rib on his opponents. One of his main targets for this was often his brother Bret. If he could make his big brother break character and laugh, Owen knew he had won. Steve Austin questioned Bret Hart on his podcast by saying, “didn’t Owen sneak tuna into one of your matches in India? Didn’t Owen put you in a camel clutch while smearing tuna all over your mouth?”. Bret laughed and replied, “I don’t remember, but that sounds like Owen all right”. Owen had a way of seeing the

Music Mayhem Monday... You think you know me

      It's your boy, James From Boston with another installment of the theme songs we wished were played whenever we enter a room... Music Mayhem Monday!     I don't read the dirt sheets all that much.  Mostly because they are wrong more than they are right.  I also like to be surprised when someone comes back to wrestle.     It was last years Royal Rumble.  On the big screen, in my living room I am fully invested in the match.  The usual suspects are entered and Lesnar is running ramshot through them.  It's actually one of the very lowkey and to be honest, boring Rumble matches.  I hold out hope though because I know the WWE likes to swerve the fans and have someone either debuting or returning to the ring.     AJ Styles debut was shocking and awesome.  Triple H returning from quad surgery.  Mysterio coming back to the WWE.  They are surprises every time you tune into the Royal Rumble.     Then the music hits.  Now don't get me wrong, I love Edge.  I have a thing for C

Getting to Know A Star: Moose

Chapter  2 :  Moose   ​   ​ He was born Quinn Ojinaka, in Seabrook, Maryland on April 23, 1984 To a father of Nigerian decent and mother of American decent.  From an early age Ojinaka was big into football. In High school football he earned All Prince George County lineman honors as a senior while playing for a Catholic school. He attended college at Syracuse University and played as part of The Orange for 44 games. As a senior he played in the Las Vegas All American classic. This is also where Ojinaka was given the moniker Moose. He admitted in an interview with Chis Van Vleet that he hated the nickname until he used it in wrestling. ​ Moose entered the 2006 NFL Draft and was selected 5 th  round by the Atlanta Falcons. He would go on to play 11 games with them and only them despite trades and free agent signings to the New England Patriots,  St. Louis  Rams twice and the Indianapolis Colts.  ​ In 2012 Moose stopped playing football and started his  p ro  w resting career under the tr

Music Mayhem Monday: The Best There Is...

     What's up pro Pro Wrestling folks.  It's ya boy James From Boston here with another Music Mayhem Monday and I bring to you the music that makes you know that a beatdown was about to happen.     See, when that music hits, it should energize you.  It should bring you out of your seat and on to you smarking feet.  This one should come as no surprise to me and anyone else that knows of my love for all things Canadian Wrestling.     That instant chord strike and then the drums told you that one of the best there is, best there was and best there ever will be was about to entertain your butt for a couple of minutes.  Out of the back comes in Bret " The Hitman " Hart and business was about to pick up.     Be it just Bret or the whole Hart Family, you knew that everything you were doing needed to be put to a stop and you need to focus on that damn match.     Bret told amazing stories in the ring and his music told you the same.  So enjoy this weeks selection mat heads an

Getting to Know A Star

         Chapter 1: Ivelisse, Puertorican Sensation     If you've ever seen La Sicaria Ivelisse wrestle recently you can see that  fiery  attitude and spirit translate into her work. Born in Ponce, Puerto Rico back in '87 she's been wrestling since the age of 14. Do the math, yes she a veteran. ​ The promotion she debuted with in Puerto Rico is World Wrestling Council. After doing what she could there and in the IWA (International Wrestling Association) she came to the mainland United States and hit the Chicago indie scene training with Steve Bozniak. This would lead to the start of her WWE stint.  In 2011 Ivelisse was announced as part of the fifth season of Tough Enough. However after an injury she was eliminated. All hope was not lost though as she was signed to a deal with FCW (Florida Championship Wrestling) under the name Sofia Cortez and to many just familiarizing themselves with Ivelisse she was a blonde back then  After rebranding FCW into what is now known as NXT

30 Years of F’N Jericho

Jericho's 2,725th career match will happen this week on AEW Dynamite, celebrating his 30-year anniversary in the pro wrestling business. I remember seeing him for the first time in WCW, and to be honest, I didn’t think much of him at the time. Out came this young good looking kid; The Lion Heart, Chris Jericho. I can’t even tell you if he won that first match or not because he didn’t stand out much yet. But that soon changed; Chris Jericho turned heel, and he soon became one of my favourite wrestlers. You could tell he was great in the ring, but what really stood out was his unique way of connecting with the fans. They jeered him, while laughing at his antics. I wanted him to win every match he was in because he was so damn entertaining! He soon took over the cruiserweight division until he had outgrown it. He had even positioned himself to face Goldberg, which Goldberg nixed. It wasn’t long before Jericho had out grown WCW as well. His contract was over and he soon signed with WWE

Sarah's F’N Yays and Nays

    ​ Welcome everyone to a new segment. I will be coming by every week to express 2 positives (yays) and 2 negatives (nays) of each show for the week. ​ A little background about myself since this is my first article. My name is Sarah and I've been a wresting fan since I was 7-8 years old. I'm 37 now and am more passionate about this business than ever before. Want to learn more just ask!   ~~Smackdown 9/25: F'N Yay #1 the triple threat to start the show. Showcasing Sami with an unlikely win and reason to gloat was great and worth a Yay. The 1 st  Nay goes to Riddle and Corbin match. Feels like it came out of nowhere tonight. Also having Corbin win with no payoff or fight at Clash of Champions made this match seem lost. The 2 nd  Yay was Jey and Roman segment. We have seen the last few weeks Jey be all goofy and fun loving while Roman gave icy stares. As fans we've waited for heel Roman and with that spear we finally got it. The last nay is the fact that in 2 hours we

Turnbuckle Thursday: Wrestlemania Three, A Macho Man and A Dragon

  One could say that I was first suspected to professional wrestling from my friend Jimmy Dormandy. He loves wrestling and he also had a satellite dish. He had a copy of the original Wrestlemania and kept telling me about the Hulkster and his amazing ability to win no matter what the situation was. I saw what he saw when I watched Hulk Hogan and Mr. T take on Piper. Ultimately though I wondered one thing. In this world of professional wrestling... did they ever actually wrestle? Sure, Hulk has to pose but was that all there was to WWF and their champion? Did anyone on the roster even know how to do a simple move? Was the most devastating move in wrestling the slower than molasses Hogan leg drop? I went to Jimmy’s house one night and he bought Wrestlemania 3. Again, Hulk was the main event, this time against the biggest dude I have ever seen, Andre The Giant. Was this going to be the match that made me finally fall in love with this male equivalent of a soap opera? Rough answer was no.