Wrestling’s Greatest Prankster : Owen Hart P2
Part 2: A ccomplices Welcome to another round of wrestling’s greatest prankster; Owen Hart. He had the patience to see all of his plans fall into place, but he could still hit you with a short lil' prank that left a mark. Sometimes, he even had an accomplice or two because everyone wanted to be on the right side of an Owen rib. Owen and Davey boy would pull so many ribs together, they were like Batman and Robin, or maybe a more accurate description is "partners in crime". Their own manager wasn’t even safe. They ribbed him many times together while in WWE. Jim Cornette once said in an interview with Wrestling Inc.: “You know Owen and Davey together, Davey Boy Smith, they were like two children. They just had to top each other. We would be doing promos, we would be standing there in front of the camera and all of a sudden I’d look to the left of me and Owen all of a sudden was two inches taller than both me and Davey, and we were all sort of the same height. You w...